Ordinary water filters use a screen to separate only particles of dirt sediment from water. Reverse osmosis employs a semipermeable membrane that removes not only particles but also an extremely high percentage of dissolved contaminants-molecule by molecule- from raw tap water.
PurePro RO Systems is a Home Drinking Water System that uses the principle of reverse osmosis to remove 95-99% of all the mineral and chemical contaminants from raw tap water. PurePro products gives you the quality of bottled water with the convenience of a faucet mounted on your kitchen sink.
The membrane consists of several thin layers or sheets of film that are bonded together and rolled in a spiral configuration around a plastic tub (This is also known as a thin film composite or TFC membrane.) The material of the membrane is semipermeable : it allows water molecules pass through while acting as a barrier to dissolved solids (i.e.: mineral chemical contaminants). When the feed water stream passes across the surface of the membrane, the PurePro molecules penetrate the membrane surface, working their way around the spiral and collecting in the center tube. The remaining contaminants are concentrated and washed from the surface of the membrane down the drain.

The raw tap water first flows through a 5 micron particle FILTER[1] to remove dirt, rust and other sediment. The water then flows into a carbon briquette cartridge FILTER[2] which takes out 98% of the chlorine and organic chemicals. The next stage of the process is FILTER[3] 1 micron sediment filter or the Block carbon filter to filter multi-chemical compounds and suspension. [4] The reverse osmosis membrane (TFC) which will separate 95-99% of the dissolved contaminants from the water molecules.
The contaminants are then washed down the drain. The next stage of the PUREPRO RO SYSTEMS process is the small CARBON FILTER [5] removes the remaining traces of chemicals, tastes and odors. Typical Flow Chart The R.O. water is stored in a 3.2 gallons TANK[6]. Inside the tank is a balloon-like rubber diaphragm, pre-charged with 8-10 psi of air. As the tank fills, the air pressure increases and pushes the water out when the faucet is opened. The final element of the PurePro Series system is a POLISHED CHROME FAUCET [7]. It is installed on the kitchen counter or the sink. It is a dual action faucet offering intermittent flow (to fill a glass, hold the handle down) or continuous flow (to fill a coffee pot, lift the handle up).
Although the idea of reversing osmosis has been known for over 10 years, the practical application is a recent development. In 1962 the U.S Government funded the first R.O. plant which processed 1000 gallons clean water per day. Today, there are more than 3000 large R.O. treatment plants, each producing more than a million gallons of drinking water each day. In 1991, the U.S. Army bought 8,000 large membranes to their mobile water purification units for troops in Desert Storm. In 1993, the U.S. Government bought another 6,300 large membranes to purify flood water in the Midwest.
YES! Reverse Osmosis was originally designed to make sea water drinkable for the navy. It is ideal for anyone on a low sodium diet.
YES! An R.O. membrane has a pore size much smaller than bacteria virus, pyrogen or the cryptosporidium parasite, even though legionaries which only RO membrane can segregate from water. When functioning properly it will remove all microorganisms from tap water and produce sterile water.
The taste of the PurePro water depends on the amount of contaminants in the tap water originally. If 95% of dissolved minerals and chemicals are removed, the R.O. water may taste like distilled water (no minerals), bottled water (low mineral), or natural spring water (moderate mineral content).
Because reverse osmosis removes invisible contaminants that mask flavor, it allows the natural taste of your beverages to come through. You will be able to use less coffee and still get the full flavor. Concentrated beverages like orange juice will taste tangier. You will probably be drinking a lot more water as well, since many people drink soda, Kool-Aid, concentrated juices, and beer as an alternative to bad-tasting tap water. Also, PurePro eliminates most of the lime build up on drip coffee makers, preventing the need for frequent cleaning. No longer will you find the white scum on the inside of pans after boiling water.
Most of the minerals that we receive are from the foods we eat. Only a very small percentage comes from the water we drink.

The PurePro System is usually installed underneath the kitchen sink. So installers prefer to locate the equipment in the basement or in a crawl space since the water may stay cooler there, and can be easily run up to the kitchen sink, as well as to a refrigerator & additional faucets in the home.
It only takes a 1/4″ tee and tubing to run the water to a refrigerator or an extra faucet or dispenser. Some families run PurePro system to all of their bathrooms and some office run to all dispenser or boiler, even coffee maker too.
There are four major variables to consider:
- PRESSURE. The greater the water pressure, the better the quantity and quality of the water produced. Water pressure of 60 psi ideal. PurePro include one booster pump can make sure the water pressure.
- TEMPERATURE. 76*F is the ideal water temperature for R.O. 40*F water will cause the production of R.O. water to fall to half of that at 76*F. The maximum water temperature recommended is 85*F.
- TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS (TDS). The higher the amount of dissolved contaminants in the water, the lower the quantity of water produced. A high level of TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS can be overcome with additional water pressure.
- MEMBRANE. Different membranes have different characteristics. Some produce more water than others; some have better contaminant rejection capabilities; some have greater resistance to chemical abrasion for longer life. PurePro Hong Kong comes with TW30-1812-100 The Thin Film Composite(TFC) membranes combine the best of these characteristics and are considered the finest membrane in the world.
Under ideal conditions, the TW30-1812-100 TFC membrane is rated at 100 gallons (378 liters) of production per day (100gpd at 80~100psi). Under the average conditions, the consumer can expect 90-105 gallons (340-396 liters) of product water per day. But that’s still a lot of water for the average household’s drinking and cooking requirements.
Yes. There are several ways:
- At night, fill a pitcher with water from the tank. The emptier the tank the faster the water production. By morning the tank will be filled with fresh water.
- A second membrane can be added. An additional membrane is required to double the capacity of the PurePro System.
PurePro Hong Kong is guaranteed PurePro System installed at Hong Kong and Macau for 3 years for material and workmanship (excluding filters). All defective parts will be replaced free within three year.
PurePro Hong Kong will provide a suitable maintenance schedule to each customer. Normally the three pre-filter cartridges will be changed depend on usage and building condition. The first is a 5 micron sediment cartridge. The second is a Carbon Cartridge. The third is another Cartridge. (some system comes with the 1 micron sediment.)
Failure to change the cartridge may reduce water pressure by mud or sand and also chlorine will destroy the RO membrane,
so RO membrane will change periodically by us. Our Technician also will check it’s condition by very visit. Or you may advise us, once you notice a different taste or more white scum on the inside of a pan of water you are boiling. This might mean the R.O. membrane is disintegrating and requires replacement.
The PurePro System contains a quality carbon filter which will remove more than 98% of organic chemicals from the water. These include THMs(chloroform), DBCP, lindane,
TCEs(trichloroethylene), PCEs(tetrachloroethylene), carbon tetrachloride chlorine, In addition to these organic chemicals, below is a partial list of other contaminants removed by the TW30-1812-70 TFC membrane. The percentage of removal shown below is a conservative estimate.
Material/ Element | % Removed | Material/ Element | % Removed |
Barium | 97% | Potassium | 92% |
Bicarbonate | 94% | Radium | 97% |
Cadmium | 97% | Selenium | 97% |
Calcium | 97% | Silicate | 96% |
Chromate | 92% | Silver | 85% |
Copper | 97% | Sodium | 92% |
Detergents | 97% | Strontium | 97% |
Fluoride | 90% | Sulfate | 97% |
Lead | 97% | PCBs | 97% |
Magnesium | 97% | Insecticides | 97% |
Nickel | 97% | Herbicides | 97% |
Total Dissol Solids | 95% |
Provide direct current to both poles of the electrolytic cell in which the diaphragm is installed. The movement of electrons gives the water at (+) pole more hydrogen ions, and the (-) pole more oxalic acid ions. These hydrogen and oxalic acid ions activate, and the water with more hydrogen ions and dissolved oxygen becomes acidic, and the water with more oxalic acid ions becomes alkaline.
Alkaline ionized water contains much inorganic mineral and becomes drinking water. The acidic ionized water has sterilization effect and can be used for healing skin problems. Acidic ionized water is also compatible with outside of the human body acidity of pH5.5 and it is used as face and body wash for beautiful skin, and hair protection.
1)Little cluster Motility improves when the molecular cluster is smaller. Small clusters make it easier to dissolute and excrete waste matter within the body. This fact is important because excess waste matter is the reason for aging and disease. Alkaline ionized water has small clusters with high motility and dissolute, so you excrete waste matter from the body rapidly.
2) Abundant active mineral Minerals are also called inorganic matter or mineral matter. There are many kinds of minerals. They are found in animals and vegetables, food and water. These minerals smoothen our living activities and maintain a balance. ;
Mineral absorption – Activated form of minerals are much better absorbed in the body.
3) Good restoration
Controls saprogenic bacteria in organs and increases beneficial bacteria.
There are about 100 kinds of bacteria, up to a trillion microorganisms living in the large intestine, and are classified as both beneficial and harmful depending on the bacteria species. Alkaline ionized water controls the saprogenic bacteria to prevent disease. Alkaline ionized water is the only water that can restore and help beneficial bacteria in the body.
Eliminates active oxygen Active oxygen is oxygen that easily bonds or combines with surrounding substances. Active oxygen is unstable and therefore has with fewer electrons.
The active oxygen possesses higher oxidizing power, and is related directly to aging and disease.
4) Abundant hexagonal water
Water molecules consist of 13 ~ 15 molecules. Hexagonal water, water clustered with 6 water molecules, is the most stable and natural to the human body. One human body cell molecule is connected to about 70,000, 60~65% of them are hexagonal water molecules. The body favors this kind of water. The cell that suffers with diseases has less hexagonal water.
– Lower the temperature of water like iced water.
– Electrolyze water with abundant mineral.
– Go through magnetic treatment.
1) Acidity and alkalinity
pH= the unit that indicates the density of acid and alkaline in water.
Water becomes acidic with increased oxalic acid, and alkaline with increased hydrogen ions. The measuring unit of acidity and alkalinity is indicated by pH values, e.g., pH 7 is considered neutral. Each numerical increment indicates 10 times more hydrogen ions or oxalic acid. For example, an increase of 1 in a pH table means 10 times more alkalinity. A
decrease of 1 means 10 times more acidity.
2) Maintaining pH balance
The human body tends to maintain body fluid at pH7.3 according to the homeostasis function. The body tries to maintain the balance of each organ with alkaline body fluid of pH8.8 from the pancreases as the peak. However, consistent acidic constitution will result in lowering one’s self-protection function in the body. Even though there is no visible sign of disease, alkaline water drinking will support the body with homeostasis functions.
Alkaline water drinking also prevents geriatric disease because it defends the body against acidification of the physical constitution.
Water Ionizers are manufactured in two countries, Japan and Taiwan. None are currently manufactured in the United States. There are water ionizers on the market being sold as American Made, however all their parts are imported from Japan, sometimes Taiwan, and simply assembled in the US.
Water Ionizers have been available in the orient for over forty years and in the United States for about 10 years. They were popularized in Japanese and began to become somewhat common there around the mid 1980’s. Several Japanese models imported in recent years from Japan are no longer being manufactured although getting filters for those units usually
does not pose a significant problem, although they can sometimes be costly.
A Water Ionizer should have a three prong plug and thick electrical wire. Two prong plugs encourage overheating as they do with any other appliance. It does not matter whether a Water Ionizer has a fuse or a circuit breaker, although circuit breaker Water Ionizers often have thin electrical wires, two prong plugs and weak transformers that overheat. Thus they often require a circuit breaker rather than a fuse which would often need to be replaced.
A Water Ionizer should have at least 3 levels of intensity to chose from. This is mainly because Ionized Water is extremely detoxifying and people who have toxins built up in their system can suffer reactions such as headaches or diarrhea. This is especially true of the elderly because they often have built up many toxins in their bodies over the
years. Also those who have a very poor diet or have taken a lot of medicine. Having 4 levels simply offers the convenience of more levels of strength to chose from, thus allowing people to build their tolerance for Ionized Water more slowly if they wish.
All home Water Ionizers currently manufactured that deliver approximately 2 to 5 liters per minute.
There is very little difference between the strength of the various Water Ionizers on the market. Ionized Water with a 10 pH or higher takes only a unflattering taste, almost as though it is salty. The slower you run water through a Water Ionizer, the stronger it will become because the source water has more contact time with the electrodes. This is
why the flow rate of Water Ionizers essentially does not matter. If you wish to drink strong Ionized Water then running the source water through it very slowly will accomplish this.
Some water ionizers feature a port or compartment where calcium, magnesium and other minerals can be added, boosting the intensity of the ionized water.
Once minerals have been ionized they are assimilated into the body more easily. The more minerals that are in the source water used to produce the ionized water, the stronger it will be. This is why ionized water cannot be made from distilled, purified or reverse osmosis water sources.
The electrodes are one of the most important components of a Water Ionizer. It is sometimes suggested that there are units on the market that have stainless steel electrodes and this simply is not the case. All Water Ionizers currently manufactured have titanium electrodes that have been dipped in platinum, which is one of the biggest cost of a Water Ionizer. It is important to note that the electrodes are coated with platinum, not electroplated with it.
This can not be true because it would not aid in the performance of the water ionizer. Water Ionizer manufacturers use titanium because it is hard and lasts many years. They coat the titanium with platinum because it is good conductor and it durable. However, to manufacture electrodes that are solid platinum would make no sense. It would be very costly, nearly tripling the prices of the electrodes, and it would not improve the quality or strength of the Ionized Water produced by them.
Platinum is also a very soft metal, which would not be suitable or practical for producing platinum-pure electrodes since they must be comprised of a hard metal such as titanium if they are expected to last several years. Electrodes comprised of pure platinum would not last any longer than platinum-coated titanium electrodes.
All continuous flow Home Water Ionizers on the market have a carbon filter. The carbon in the filter is silver impregnated in order to retard bacterial growth. The silver that is impregnated in the carbon will NOT leach into the water. Every major manufacturer of carbon filters in the US produces carbon filters with silver impregnation.
There are no Water Ionizers currently manufactured that use arsenic in their filters as has been suggested.
The purpose of UV light is for bacterial disinfection. However, on a Water Ionizer this is completely unnecessary. Considering the position for add on UV light, in front of the water ionizer or after ionizing? If you have city (municipal) water then your water has already been disinfected through the use of chlorine. The carbon filter on the Water Ionizer will remove the chlorine. If employ it after the ionizer, basically the electric shock will kill the bacterium during the electrolysis process.
There have been statements made regarding Water Ionizers removing fluoride from municipal water. Water Ionizers is such as a generator, it cannot remove anything from the water. To ionize means simply to gain or lose an electron. The amount and type of minerals those are present in the water before ionization is the same after ionization. In every test we are aware of, no more than 50% of the fluoride in the water was lost on the alkaline side of the Ionized Water. This means that half but not all of the fluoride in the Ionized Water after ionization had migrated to the acidic side of the ionization process. Regarding heavy element may go free way. That clearly stated a pre-filter to purify the water before ionizing is important and necessary. The only workable pre-filter to remove fluoride and heavy element from water before Ionizing is Purepro RO System.